Monday, September 29, 2014

Robert Pattinson: Moving to London for FKA Twigs?

Things seem to be getting serious between Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs.
Rumors that Pattz and Twiggy are dating have been circulating for a while now, and just last week we got our first glimpse of Rob and FKA holding hands in public. (Squeee!)
  • RPatt
  • FKA Twigs Picture
They're moving so quickly they've even hit a rough patch already, with psychotic Rob fans attacking FKA onlinewith truly disgusting racist epithets. 
Naturally, a large percentage of the world's Robsessed Twihards can be found in America, which may be one of the reasons that Pattinson is reportedly planning to ditch LA and return to the UK.
The other reason, of course, would bet to spend more time with the London-based FKA.
"I think I might be done with Los Angeles," Rob said in a recent interview with The Independent. "I've just realized it in the past few weeks. I think I need to spend more time in London, or just move around a bit more."
Okay, so Rob doesn't mention FKA by name, but come on! He just realized in the past few weeks that he'd like to start spending more time in London.
Hmm...what else happened in the past few weeks? Oh right, he started seriously dating a woman who lives in London!
Rob's made no bones about the fact that he wants to settle down and start a family. That's why we never totally bought the rumors that he was dating Katy Perry and a slew of other young starlets in the wake of his breakup with Kristen Stewart.
Rob's a one-woman man, and based on the suddenness of his decision to move to London, we're guessing that woman in FKA. 

Robert Pattinson for Dior
Robert Pattinson is not bad looking, is he? Drool away, ladies!

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