Monday, December 22, 2014

Khloe Kardashian: I Would Never Kick Rob Out of the House!

Rob Kardashian may be holed up in Khloe Kardashian's home and uninterested in the spotlight these days, but his sister is not preparing to evict him.
Despite what rumors in the past week have indicated, she took Twitter to bash rumors that Khloe is kicking Rob Kardashian out or had already done so.
On the contrary, in fact. Khloe couldn't be happier with her sibling roommate.
Rob Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian
"One of the best things about my house is that my brother lives with me. I would never kick him out," she tweeted. "I've begged for him to live with me."
"So until HE wants to leave... this is his home. #ByeHaters #StopWithTheBS."
It has been a really, really tough year or two for Robbie K., BS or no BS.
He's stopped filming Keeping Up With the Kardashians, bailed on a family trip to Thailand in the spring, and left sister Kim's European wedding weekend early.
Wracked by insecurity, he's been seen very little in the six months since.
Rob has put on serious amounts of weight and friends and family alike worry that he's become extremely reclusive and depressed, though it's mostly speculation.
Khloe sounds like all is well, not that she'd tell Twitter if they weren't.
In the past, Rob has lived with Khloe and then-husband Lamar Odom, while she crashed with him during her separation from Odom, so the two are very close.

As for those reports that Khloe is calling herself Mrs. Odom again, that remains to be seen as well ... but we know she is not legally divorced from Lamar.
Stay tuned on that front too ...
Very Large Rob Kardashian
Rob Kardashian is not thin. He and his large body mass are behind the wheel in this photograph.

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